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Two more quick tips for you!

Here's a couple more quick tips for you, the first is a quick video on what flow aid is, what is does and how you can add it quickly and easily to your glues and paints without needing to buy an expensive product.

A Guide to basing material for building wargames terrain

Almost caught up guys, here's a video guide to the various materials you can use to base your wargames scenery on. I cover the materials, where to get them, the tools you need and their pros and cons.

Hope you found it useful guys, if you have any questions or anything to add, just drop it in the comments guys.


A Collection of Quick Tips for terrain builders

Sorry guys, I've got a bit ahead of myself with putting YouTube videos up on my channel (TheTerrainTutor) and let the blog posts lack behind. So I'm posting the Quick Tip videos I'm done so far to help catch up...

Hope you found them useful!

B2B - Using polystyrene (styrofoam) to make wargames terrain

Here's another Back 2 Basics Youtube tutorial. This time I'm covering polystyrene, what it is, how you work with it to shape it into hills and mountains for your games table. Take a look at the video and if you have any questions or anything to add, drop it them comments guys.